Monday, August 24, 2009

something optimistic

So now everyone is going off about Pn.Chua's stupid seni folio. (she doesnt let us do logo okaayy?! )

and trials...

so lets look at the bright side for once

1. we have a nice moral teacher, who brings us to the library and doesn't scold... much.

2. I know some people dont like miss stephanie but honestly lah, she doesn't put you in the blue card. even though half the class never passes up her work. and she doesnt know how to really scold people. :)

3. despite pn phang's immense load of homework, at least she's pretty nice. when homework is not involved, that is. Plus, she's a good teacher lah.

4. miss gan. who can hate her? seriously.

5. pn. lim is mellowing down a little. I mean, she didnt kill us for throwing paper balls right?

6. c'mon lah. at least most of our teachers are competent. despite their flaws.

7. oh yeah. cyh IS being more human by each day. so don't push him lah. be compassionate. ;P

8. we have each other, don't we? thats what this blog is about. :D


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